I appreciate you taking the time out to visit my little piece of the world wide web. I would like to invite you to travel alongside me on this journey of self healing. I started this website so that I can not only empower myself but to give others the confidence to know and believe that they can take their healing into their own hands.

I created this website after going through a few health scares. After a car accident I started experiencing seemingly random panic attacks, double and/or blurry visions, as well as a few other minor ailments. In some instances, my symptoms could be medically named but not necessarily given the safest of prescriptions or they were not even medically able to be fully diagnosed. This is where my spirituality had to go into overdrive because I refused to accept that this would be my life.

After ER, Ophthalmologist and Neorologist visits that yielded no real results, I decided to do research on herbal remedies that would fix my double vision. But even more so, I researched the spiritual meanings of common eye problems and was in for some eye-opening (no pun intended) revelations. I found that no matter how much attention I put on healing I had to work even more on my mind and spirit. So the journey began.

I do not claim to be an expert but I can tell you what works and does not work for me. With that said I am open to constructive conversations and suggestions so that I can better understand this world of healing. I am living proof that if you do the work you can heal your mind, body and spirit. I am always a work in progress but I hope my journey can help someone who feels like they are all out of options. Thank you again for visiting and I hope you enjoy the content and products presented on my website.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please consult a medical professional before taking any herbs. Especially if you are pregnant or taking any medication. 

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